Mr Kiritkumar R Patel Chairman

Born in 1946 in Kenya, passed his childhood and primary education in Nairobi and secondary education in India. Returned to Nairobi in 1963 and joined hands in the family business. Started their own Hardware business named Aqua Agency jointly with his cousins.

1982 was a turning point in his life as he migrated with the family to settle in Kingston-UK. Currently settled at Claygate. He being business-minded, made his mark in the Hotel industry. His financial acumen and ability to harness management objectives brought him success. His company owns several hotels and properties located in excellent positions, like Marble Arch in Central London. He ventured into playing golf for the first time in the late 1990s. He had never held a golf club before that, now he is not only a golf lover but he sponsors TRIMIRI-AREVA golf trophy which has now become part of the annual social calendar. That annual event brings great fun and more importantly reminds one and all that family and friendships are to be cherished.
He is a man of few words but says exactly what he means. A very generous philanthropist. By profession, he is a seasoned hotelier with years and years of management experience in the UK Hotel industry. He has developed a track record of success and credibility in upmarket hotels, catering to an affluent national and international clientele. His empire owns several hotel properties, nationwide in the UK.

He is well known as a great devotee of Amba Mata and equally is blessed with boundless compassion from Maa Amba. Aatham Havan to worship Maa Durga every year during Navratri has remained an unbroken event since he started several years ago.

Dr. Ambrish J Patel
Ph.D., D.Sc.(London), F.R.C.Path

Born in 1940 Gujarat, India, after graduation from Gujarat University, he completed postgraduate and doctorate studies at the M.S. University of Baroda. The Doctorate thesis was examined at Cambridge, and soon he was invited by the British Medical Research Council (MRC) to join as a scientist in the UK. 

In recognition of his scientific work, Her Majesty the Queen awarded him the Silver Jubilee Medal in 1977. A few years later, he gained a Doctor of Science degree from London University and was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. He also held honorary academic positions at London University and Imperial College and was an adviser to a leading pharmaceutical company. He held numerous membership positions in scientific and other societies and carried out scientific research at MRC for nearly 40 years. 

After retirement, instead of accepting an Emeritus Professor position, he decided to dabble in finance. That enabled him to create the JANAMUKH Charitable Trust in India. The Trust promotes education, learning, and health for economically challenged individuals and it also promotes the overall welfare and development of girls and women. Now, along with continuing the charitable activities, still takes time out to enjoy regular travels all over the world.

Mr. Kamlesh G Patel
B.Sc. (Hons) MRPharmS (Retired) MBA FRSA

Born in 1955 in India, he studied in Dar Es’ Salaam [Tanzania] at Upanga primary school till standard 8, followed by three years up to SSC at Hansraj Morarji Public School, a boarding school in Andheri, Mumbai. After graduating as a pharmacist in the UK, he initially developed a chain of pharmacies. Later as an entrepreneur, he started and developed several companies as CEO of Prime Health Group.

He changed course after finishing his MBA in 1992 and started concentrating in Finance and Property sector as CEO of Gemsons Investments Ltd. In 1992 he was invited to become the fellow of the RSA (www.thersa.org), a 265-year-old think tank for the betterment of humanity. He was a mentor for Princes’ Trust for two years over 1992 and 1993.

2001 brought him another opportunity to serve a worthy cause. He became closely associated with the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies (www.ochs.org.uk). He continues to support OCHS to the best of his ability. He retired at an early age in 2005 to fulfil his passion for travelling the world and for learning about past present and future of humanity and to appreciate the beauty of nature. He believes life is a journey from the unknown to the unknown and that experience along the way moulds us to what we are.

During the financial crisis of 2008 & 2009, at a brainstorming conference at the Oxford University business school, he was made aware of the shortcomings of the financial industry and of money per se. That led him to set up a small charity called Minomics; to experiment with minutes [barter of TIME] as the medium of transacting value between participating members of society.

Time being FINITEfor all living beings, he makes the most of his time, especially in the service of humanity and nature. Being a son of a teacher and a pharmacist, at Dr Ambrishbhai’s request, he joined the team to serve a worthy cause of bringing education and better health to the deprived communities where possible.

Mr. Indra A Patel

Born in 1947, Tanzania, passed his childhood partly in East Africa and partly in India, left his B.Sc. (Agri.) graduation halfway from Khetiwadi, Anand, India, went to Switzerland at an age of 20 under Govt. of India International Living Programme. Fond of art and a deep interest in photography since his childhood owned one of the world’s best and costliest Hasselblad camera gifted by his father at an age of 18, widened his field, and built his professional carrier in Industrial Photography and Print Industry.

At an age of 25, he established his Photo & Printing business in Anand, India in 1972. Served several giant industries including GSFC, IPCL, Amul, etc. for their need for Industrial Photography and printing. Later, he started a branch in Baroda in 1985 with the latest print technology of phototypesetting in Indian Regional languages.

He went to the UK in 1989 and settled with his family at Wembley in 1992. He began his career in the print industry and some journalism. He started his own business in 1994 in the UK and since then, together with his social and charitable activities he still works full time.